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Hearten Biotech at SOLCEMA's IV Congress

lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

Hearten Biotech at SOLCEMA's IV Congress

Hearten Biotech has been in SOLCEMA's IV Congress: " Células madre: Nueva Era de la Medicina", held in Viña del Mar, Chile from the 20th till the 24th of July. The main purpose was to present three different cases in canine treated with Stem Cells by Hearten Biotech. The diagnosis were Early Severe Vasculitus, Chronic Pancrestitis and Epilepsy.
We want to thank for giving us the opportunity to be there and thank Dr. Jorge Genovese, our CEO, who represented Hearten Biotech at the Congress.
Dr. Genovese and our Stem Cells treatments. 

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